LEE-Lab April 2019 ( April 22- 28, 2019) in Bad Belzig, near Berlin, Germany
The Life-Enriching Education Lab (LEE LAB) is created for everybody interested in exploring and applying Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in education, including adult students, kindergarten educators, school and university teachers, child care staff, administrators, counsellors, educators in youth programs, parents, NVC trainers, Certification Candidates, and all NVC practitioners.
The LEE LAB holds a vision for collective, multinational learning and exchange to inspire synergies of development into the educational field. An international team of highly experienced trainers are creating the frame, holding the space, offering input, guidance, support and feedback.
Whoever you are, wherever you are and whatever your level of Nonviolent Communication, if you are interested in this experience of communal learning YOU are welcome to join us.
The event will be held in English.
The first session on the 22nd will be at 5pm in the evening. There will be an informal opportunity to check in with org-team and trainers between 3:30pm and 4:30pm before that. We will end on the 28th at 12:30pm
Registration – make sure you get a place
After you have registered you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your registration right away. If you do not receive an email please check your spam folder before trying again. If your registration was successful and you have received the confirmation email you will receive more information and the invoice a few days later.
The LEE LAB is uniquely designed to offer both a structured and open learning environment. It provides the opportunity of six days of sharing, exploring and learning together. You will have the experience of co-creating a life-enriching learning community and truly live the values of NVC in an educational setting.
We aim to co-create a safe and supportive learning environment with you, where everyone is seen both as a teacher and learner. We want to support any participants who are interested to use the LEE LAB to gain clarity and create action plans for their life-enriching education projects.
The LEE LAB will focus on the key features of life-enriching learning communities described in Marshall Rosenberg’s book Life-Enriching Education. We will work concretely and very practically on how to:
- Co-create a safe and supportive learning and working environment including students, teachers, parents and administration staff;
- Role model partnership, inclusion and cooperation – cultivate emotional intelligence, respect, and compassion;
- Resolve conflicts and prevent or de-escalate violence;
- Support students to know their potential and find intrinsic motivation to learn;
- Build communication skills which support standing up for own needs while also taking in the perspective of others and the community as a whole;
- Create the classroom you always dreamed of.
Benefits described by former participants:
- INSPIRATION: “(THE LEE LAB) gave me a lot of inspiration on how to organise trainings with co-creation, inclusion, participation. It raised my awareness on power-with vs. power-over paradigm.”
- LEARNING: “The LEE LAB contributed to my further ability to embody and implement NVC for myself and at school.
- SAFETY TO BE YOURSELF: “I have never felt so safe before.”
- INTEGRATION OF NVC: “I learned and experienced a new way of sharing knowledge, with curiosity and fun.”
Example of what a day might look like:
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Community meeting, group decision making and planning
9:30 Parallel offers from the trainers: deepening skills and awareness
12:00 Lunch Break
14:00 Parallel offers by trainers and participants: Sharing best practices, learning from different work and projects, open space, etc.
17:00 Community meeting: Reflection & harvesting the learnings
18:30 Dinner
After dinner
More sharing if wanted or leisure activities
If you want to read a little bit more about th LEE LAB check out our report from 2018: if you want to know more
Description of the LEE-LAB Team
Shona Cameron UK
I discovered NVC whilst already working in schools in the UK to make them better places for all. Very quickly I realised that NVC offered not just a blueprint for rebuilding the kind of education that worked for all but that it also enabled teachers, headteachers and policy makers to lead from their values. To work the way they always wanted to when they started teaching – to look forward to coming to school and to learn alongside the children. NVC enables meaningful and creative conversations to happen where teams can come together and a brighter future imagined. I have been sharing NVC in education since 2004 – both when I was asked to and undercover when every conversation mattered and I chose to model communication from the heart. I am a psychologist and author of a chapter in Restorative Theory in Practise, where I explore the role of NVC in school meetings.
Gabriele Grunt, Austria
In our life and work with children we have many habits that are inherited but do not serve us anymore today. In my 28 years of work in the field of education I discovered NVC as a very powerful way to consciously choose the way and quality of living and working together. Schools and families are the places where we pass on our language and our habits to the next generations – not only by teaching, but by our living example. That’s why as an NVC trainer I am passionate about sharing NVC in lectures and workshops with teachers and parents.
In many long-term projects in schools, kindergartens and universities I support the educational staff to consciously choose ways towards understanding, cooperation and peaceful conflict dialogue – and to step by step co-create structures that support partnership, mutual empowerment and inclusion in learning environments.
Marianne Göthlin, Sweden
For me education is the place where I feel most hopeful about the future. Sharing NVC with “school people” are ways for me of connecting with hope, with community, with joy and purposeful contribution. I have a background as teacher, and have integrated NVC in public schools as well as being part of starting a community school based on NVC. These experiences have led to a deepened interest in what makes change and integrating NVC in an organisation sustainable. My current engagement is to support teachers, preferably in long-term transformative school projects, and to offer pedagogical NVC materials for easy practice.
Corrylaura Van Bladel, Belgium
In my training to become a teacher I was most interested in how NOT to spoil the natural desire of people to learn, how to create a safe environment and educational system where we can support our younger ones to develop their skills, passions and desires. To support them in their authenticity and surround them with tons of empathy. To walk our talk and inspire them from that experience.
After my graduation I started to work with teachers, schools, child care, special youth care, etc.. The past 20 years we (in Blabla) worked in a lot of settings, but I always kept a strong connection with education and healthcare.
After being part of the first European LEE LAB in Poland and organizing second one in Belgium, I feel very excited to meet you all and create an unforgettable learning experience together!
Towe Widstrand, Sweden
After having shared NVC in many settings, in many countries and working with various groups during many years, I conclude that working with people in the educational system is the most rewarding. To see how educators that are working hard to apply democratic principles are getting support through NVC to create nourishing learning environment. Myself having grown up in the “power over” school system it is a gift to contribute to the awareness that there is an alternative.
Giacomo Poleschi, Italy
Education, learning, parenting, community: these words got a new and clear meaning in me since I’ve learned about NVC, a few months before my first daughter was born. A fuller, concrete, practical and fun way of communicating opened up for me. Sharing NVC in education gives me hope and at the same time it connects me with life, joy and meaning.
I’ve a background in Computer Engineering and I worked in the past in the field of Supply Chain & Logistic.
In the last five years I have shared NVC in various context including groups of parents, teachers and educators, school staff, organizations.
In the everyday life I share the caring of my three children with my wife.
Tuition choices
Tuition includes six days full of training sessions, workshops, exchange and magical experiences. It pays for six trainers traveling from different countries, sharing their knowledge and experiences for six days, four organizers creating the frame so you can relax, learn and enjoy yourself, training rooms and materials. It also supports DACH so their great work can continue.
After registration we ask you to pay 100 € downpayment to secure your spot. Please transfer the rest of your tuition until the 20th of February.
Category |
Description |
Early Bird Price (no longer available) |
Regular Price |
Standard | For everyone | 900,00€ | |
Supporter | If you want to support our work with a little extra money you can choose this category. This helps us offer reduced spots to others and do the work as a team of many. | 1000,00€ | |
Group or Family | If more than one person attends from your family or your organisation you can all choose this category. Please enter your family or organization in the comment box below so we know who you belong to.
Please note that this event is tailored for adults. If you want to bring your children please contact us prior to registration. |
800€ | |
Reduction | The application process for reduced tuition has been closed. We now have only spots in exchange for standard tuition available. You can still get the group or family discount if more than one person from your organization or family joins the LEE Lab. |
Our event will take place at the gorgeous Paulinen Hof (https://www.paulinenhof.de) which is just outside of Bad Belzig, an one hour train ride away from Berlin Central Station. It is an old farm estate transformed into a beautiful seminar hotel surrounded by nature.
Prices of accommodation include 6 nights in a comfy bed, 3 delicious meals per day, hot and cold alcohol free drinks, snacks for the breaks and an awesome time.
Room category |
Total price |
single room |
858,50 € |
double room (shared with one other person, twin or double bed) |
669,50 € |
double room (used as a single room) |
996,50 € |
family room (shared with up to 4 people) |
702,50 € |
shared apartment (shared with up to 5 people) |
597,50 € |
After you have registered here and you have received the confirmation email we ask you to contact Paulinen Hof and book your accommodation directly with them.
Contact information:
Phone: +49 (0) 33841 / 44080
E-Mail: info@paulinenhof.de
Keyword: Life-Enriching Education Lab
Cancellation of Accomodation
Terms & conditions of Paulinen Hof apply.Room reservations can be canceled up to 7 working days before the event without any extra costs. After that the costs for accommodation will be fully charged.
Meal Preference
Paulinen Hof will provide three delicious meals per day including breakfast, lunch and dinner and also snacks for the breaks. There will be a meat, a vegetarian and a vegan option. Please let them know, what you want to have when booking your accomodation.
Paulinen Hof will attempt to accommodate diet related requests, but please be prepared for the possibility that not all specific requests can be provided and may be somewhat limited.
Cancelation And Refund Policies
Please read everything in this registration carefully. Please contact the LEE LAB team prior to registration if you have questions about the terms & conditions.
In the event that LEE LAB does not take place, the LEE LAB enrollee agrees that DACH shall have no obligation to compensate the LEE LAB enrollee above paid LEE LAB tuition.
DACH incurs significant expenses with every application processed, so we request that you refrain from applying for an LEE LAB unless your plans are firm, and you are confident of your ability to attend.
Within 14 days after your registration you can cancel without any costs at anytime. If you cancel your registration more than 14 days after your registration you will receive your tuition back minus a non refundable processing fee of 100€. This only applies until the 1th of April 2019. If you cancel after the 1th of April 2019 we will not refund tuition unless we can give the spot to someone else as a replacement. In this case we still ask you to pay the non refundable processing fee of 100 €.