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MAD Juni 2024

Stückpreis: 0,00 EUR
(inkl. 0,00% MwSt. und zzgl. Versandkosten)
Wenn du Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeiten hast, welche sind das: :
Verpflegungswunsch/Meal request *:

By applying for the participation, I agree to pay an installment of 150€, to the account of the
assessor whose account number I will receive by the Team Südwest
In case I would cancel my participation up to six weeks before the beginning of the MAD 120
€ will be returned to me. 30 € are administration fees.
In case I would cancel my participation up to four weeks before the beginning of the MAD
the assessor will keep the full amount of 150 € as a compensation.
In case I would cancel later than four weeks before the beginning I agree to pay the full
amount. II will pay the remaining sum immediately after receiving the invoice.
This agreement serves the mutual security and commitment.