(Du bist nicht sicher, ob dein Englisch gut genug ist? Die Vorträge sind gut mit einfachen Englisch zu verstehen, und die Übungen können auch auf Deutsch durchgeführt werden, wenn dein:e Partner:in ebenfalls Deutsch spricht. Sprich uns auch gerne an, wenn du dich für das Seminar interessierst, aber diese Frage gerne persönlich beantworten lassen möchtest :-) )
How it all started: 40 human beings, from many countries and continents have come together, sitting opposite of each other in pairs, in this retreat centre deep in the woods, on top of a hill in Slovenia.
Many are tired, anxious, nervous: What have I gotten myself into here, they seem to ask themselves at 07:00 in the morning. Me, Jürgen Engel, am one of them. The Roberts, two teachers I fully trust have realized their life dream: A week where anything can happen. Where there is space for everything that arises and the life in us may blossom in its full beauty and intensity.
I have experienced hundreds of workshop days and dozens of retreats, so what could be new? What could excite or suprise me?
And yet: What I am about to experience during this week goes beyond my wildest expectations, and I realize: THIS is what I also want to bring to the world!